miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

The Boston Tea Party

 In few words we can say that the Boston Tea Party was provoked because of the duties on tea of the Townshend Acts, and also for the Tea Act of 1773. The Tea Act allowed the East India Company to sell tea to the colonies at a lower price than the smuggled tea they buy.

In the date of November 28, 1773 three ships arrived from the East India Company that were the Dartmouth, the Beaver, and the Eleanor. To avoid the ships of downloading the tea the Sons of Liberty start making trouble so the governor decided not to download the cargo. The Tea Act stated that the money should be collected twenty days after the arrival of the ships, making the deadline for December 16.

When the date arrived the Dartmouth asked for permission to leave the port, but it was denied because of the nonpayment of the tax. Samuel Adams gave the order and around fifty men disguised as Mohawk Indians placed the cargo of the three ships on the decks, and threw 342 chests of tea into the Harbor. This action would bring terrible consequences to the colonists.

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